Saturday, July 12, 2014

DIY: Make your laptop Fabulous!

Hello Internet!

Today I wanna show you what I did with my laptop. I saw in Pinterest this pin a while ago, and this week I was browsing around at the HEMA, (I consider this shop a Dutch version of a Walmart) and saw some pretty Washi Tape decided to take home and try it out. The picture above was the result, this tutorial is just so simple you will want to Washi tape your whole house.

>>Click on read more for the full DIY:

  • This is my laptop

It is an white HP, the most helpful part is that it has grayish stripes all over it, super helpful on keeping the tape straight.

Materials you will need:
  • Washi tape
  • Scissors
  • Laptop

1.Clean, clean:
Sounds really obvious, but I was just so crazy to start sticking the tape I completely forgot this step, until I realized how dirty my keyboard was. Conclusion, I had to untape everything and do some cleaning first.
You should use some proper cleaning wipes for your machine, but since I was lazy I used some tissues and baby wipes. (do what I say, don't do what I do)

2.Tape it!
I started by the big keys, tape it straight and as close of the edges as possible. The positive point of the Washi Tape is that you can stick it as many times you want, it won;t loose its glue.
Make sure your tape is the same size as your keys, in the shop there were little and bigger ones available but since I had no idea how big my keyboard was I just got a standard size, it should be good for all keyboards I think

Since its pretty easy to remove it and stick it back you can either measure it first remove and cut or simply put your scissors as close as possible of the end of your key and snip, snip.

4.Keep going:
You can put tape in all your keys or just a few. I did not wanted to fill it up, and honestly think it looks better like that than having all the keys colorfull.
I started random with one color and came in with the other one, it was easy to place them.
Don't worry about not seeing what your key does, the Washi Tape is quite transparent and you can perfectly see what is underneath, if you think is too confusing you can always carefully outline the letters with a fine tip black pen.

5.To the top:
Get inspired! after finishing the keyboard I decided I wanted more, so I moved to the top. I just placed the tape up and down to give it some color.
What do you think?

I've noticed that if there is a tiny piece sticking out the tape starts to peel off. You can come back with your scissors and push the corners in.
I still can't tell how durable it is since I just had them in but eventually the tape will pell off. 

Aaand you are done!

This is how my laptop looks now:

Pretty fabulous, right?
I'm still getting used with such a colorful keyboard, and sometimes I get a little lost with so many going on, but it looks so awesome so I don't mind. :)

I hope you guys liked this very simple DIY. Don't forget to:
Follow me on Instagram

The next post is gonna be about pattern making and I'm really excited to share this with you guys.
See you next time

Tchau, tchau! :)

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