Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First things First

Hello Internet!

This is my first post, and I am pretty confident that this will turn out to be a really awesome blog. I belong to that part of the internet that browses around the entire day, watches a lot of Youtube videos, is addicted to Pinterest and doesn't sleep after at least an hour of 9gag scrolling (anyone can relate?) and as probably everybody at one point, I tough: "I should make a blog".

So here I am, I learned a lot of the basics of the crafty life with my parents but I really taught myself to sew through the internet, specially watching videos on Youtube and making lots of mistakes, many, many times. Truth being said I still do, and the seam ripper is my best buddy, I've being in the edge of destroying my machine a couple of times and throwing it off the window more than I would like to admit. 

I wanna make a blog for people like me, that love DIY's and be creative, that can't get enough of the joy of a finished project and gets all proud to say "I made it myself" when anybody asks where did you buy this beautiful thing.
I'm planning to bring out for the blog my current projects on sewing and crafts, a lot of tutorials and very neat and nicely explained techniques and tricks mostly I figured myself.
I'm not an expert or pro, maybe do lots of things in a really stupid hard way, but I'm very stubborn and perfectionist, and won't call it off until the projects its exactly the way I want it to be, perfect. :)

Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/jrosa93
And keep up for new updates, tutorial coming up soon.

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