Tuesday, August 12, 2014

SEWING: Easy Pleated Summer Dress

Hi Internet!

Recently I purchased some fabrics in the local Markt in Leiden, I got two beautiful flower print fabrics with the idea of making simple easy maxi skirts with them.
Unfortunately when I arrived home I noticed how horrible cut the fabric was and my 1 meter of fabric was completely deformed. 
Pay real attention to too confident fabric cutting ladies, I did not care since both fabrics were very cheap but I had to re-arrange my plans since a long skirt was out of question.

I decided to try-out with a simple dress, the fabric itself is already very pretty there was no need for a very complicated design.

>> Click below for the full tutorial:

RE-FASHION: Tropical print shirt

Hello Internet!

Today the post is about one of my favorite things to work with: Re-fashion.

Thrift-transformations are one of the main reasons I learned how to sew. My mom never had a lot of time to help me changing the pieces so eventually I started refashioning the clothes myself, of course many nice old pieces were destroyed in the way but now I'm proud to say I'm very good at it.

The tropical print is a trend this summer, and I just love colorful clothes. When I saw this picture below I could hear my mom's voice in my head saying: "OMG! When I was your age that was exactly what I used to wear". 

Tropical print inspiration
Inspired by my mom's saying that fashion always come back when I landed my eyes on this fruit print shirt I couldn't help but bring it straight home.
Here in Europe you can find so many really cool stuff in the tweedehand winkel (second hand shop in Dutch), and every now and then I pop in to see what new I can find.

>>Click on read more for the full tutorial:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

SEWING: Zara inspired skorts

Hi internet!

This is my first sewing tutorial, and I am very excited. A couple of months ago I saw this Zara skorts (shorts+skirt) everywhere:
At first sight it looks like a skirt or as I thought: A "look at my panties" skirt, but then I discover the little shorts behind it, this piece is just genius.

Original Zara Skorts
This trend brought me back to my childhood, I had so many skorts when little. I was fabulous but still able to climb trees and ride my bike without any of those silly boys seeing what was underneath.
And, since I'm still very adept to this idea when I landed my eyes on this project I felt in love. I never wanted to buy the original, but make my own. 
So many possibilities!!!

>>Click on read more for the full tutorial:

Thursday, July 17, 2014

TUTORIAL: A Skirt Pattern

Hi internet!

Today's pattern tutorial is about skirts, all over the internet there you can find Circle Skirts tutorials, several techniques and styles. They are a big trend lately, BUT they take a lot of fabric and depending on the type of project or material you are working with, they are too much.
I still wanna do a special tutorial on them, because not all tutorials are the same, mostly not so easy and clear. But this is history for another post.

I could hardly find any other type of skirt tutorials specially with an easy approach. The ones I found were from very technical websites or YouTube channels.
Eventually, I found this very simple method I will be showing you guys today.

Keep in mind that there are several types of skirts and there is a fancy way to draw those patterns, but I don't use, and don't know it. 
So far this method worked for all my projects

>>Click on read more for the full tutorial:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

DIY: Make your laptop Fabulous!

Hello Internet!

Today I wanna show you what I did with my laptop. I saw in Pinterest this pin a while ago, and this week I was browsing around at the HEMA, (I consider this shop a Dutch version of a Walmart) and saw some pretty Washi Tape decided to take home and try it out. The picture above was the result, this tutorial is just so simple you will want to Washi tape your whole house.

>>Click on read more for the full DIY:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How much fabric?

Image from: www.envyawear.com
Hello internet people!

The topic of today's post is something that always bothers me when I am thinking of a new project, how much fabric do I need?.
As a wannabe seamstress the moment of fabric buying was kind of a nightmare, I always went home with less or way more fabric than I actually needed. 
Everybody that is crafty loves scraps of fabric, so many possibilities for future projects. But at the same time if you have a lot of material left after sewing that dress made by that super special fabric, you wouldn't want to make a top or skirt from the same exactly fabric. 
Maybe... If you wanna have a cartoon character wardrobe full of clothes of the exact same color. :)

Does anybody remember this cartoon? Doug was my childhood favorite.

The amount of fabric is still something very tricky for me, each special project takes an specific amount of fabric, and also if you are sewing for someone else the amount it would take for yourself might not be the same for your friend. 
But here are a few tips you can use to look like you know what you are doing when buying your fabrics:

>>Click on read more for the full post:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First things First

Hello Internet!

This is my first post, and I am pretty confident that this will turn out to be a really awesome blog. I belong to that part of the internet that browses around the entire day, watches a lot of Youtube videos, is addicted to Pinterest and doesn't sleep after at least an hour of 9gag scrolling (anyone can relate?) and as probably everybody at one point, I tough: "I should make a blog".

So here I am, I learned a lot of the basics of the crafty life with my parents but I really taught myself to sew through the internet, specially watching videos on Youtube and making lots of mistakes, many, many times. Truth being said I still do, and the seam ripper is my best buddy, I've being in the edge of destroying my machine a couple of times and throwing it off the window more than I would like to admit. 

I wanna make a blog for people like me, that love DIY's and be creative, that can't get enough of the joy of a finished project and gets all proud to say "I made it myself" when anybody asks where did you buy this beautiful thing.
I'm planning to bring out for the blog my current projects on sewing and crafts, a lot of tutorials and very neat and nicely explained techniques and tricks mostly I figured myself.
I'm not an expert or pro, maybe do lots of things in a really stupid hard way, but I'm very stubborn and perfectionist, and won't call it off until the projects its exactly the way I want it to be, perfect. :)

Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/jrosa93
And keep up for new updates, tutorial coming up soon.